In the wake of Tuesday’s grand celebration of the 60th birthday of renowned fuji musician, Alhaji Akande Adeniyi Abas (aka Obesere) more information has emerged on reasons behind the spectacle that took place at a posh event centre along Agidingbi Road in Ikeja, Lagos.
Throwing more light on factors that led to what became a diamond jubilee never seen before, Obesere’s most reliable consultant, Akeem Maps, known as Babs told Sports247 that the fuji icon used the occasion to celebrate God’s blessings in his life and give something back to the community.
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Akeem Maps revealed, “He initially didn’t want to spread it to the public. He wanted it low key, and he was really surprised when I presented the plan to him. I happen to be the first person who would celebrate him on his birthday. That happened when I caught him unexpectedly 15 years ago.
He had never celebrated his birthday years back, but I did it codedly, and he was surprised. This year, he agreed to do it publicly because he said God gave him a message to celebrate him more, and that he should not be hiding his blessings. That is the concept of this birthday celebration.”
Akeem Maps then linked the need to thank God publicly with Obesere’s new charity efforts, as he revealed factors that also saw the singer use his 60th birthday bash as an occasion to give back to his fans and show appreciation to people who patronise his music.
The consultant expatiated, “He should not be hiding things given him by God. He should expose them to the public so he can get more. That’s why this celebration was exposed to the public … so that everyone can feel him. It’s not just a birthday celebration. It’s one of a kind.
As a normal fuji musician, it’s not just about singing, and then you go. What about paying back to society? The fans, people who celebrate your songs and pay money to get your music? Are you just using the money lavishly, or where is it going? You must do something to pay back to society. That’s why he wants to invest more in education.”
He concluded by providing details of the singer’s new foundation in support of education, as Obasere extended beyond just donating a mosque to his alma mater, Iponri Grammar School in Surulere and decided to inaugurate a new non-governmental organisation to mark his diamond jubilee as well.
“Apart from the mosque, we decided to unveil an NGO during the birthday celebrations. It’s the beginning of what we want to be a long process. We are starting with this one to mark his birthday. We don’t want to wait for government.
In fact, when various governments see what we are doing as an individual, they will be ready to give us maximum support,” Akeem Maps concluded enthusiastically.