Home Nigeria Football League Waidi Akanni Donates Luxury Door To Referees Association At Teslim Balogun Stadium

Waidi Akanni Donates Luxury Door To Referees Association At Teslim Balogun Stadium

Engineer Waidi Akanni, former Lagos State Football Association Chairman, ex-Nigerian international, and 1xBet Sports Consultant, made a significant contribution to the Lagos State Referees Association during a courtesy visit to their office inside Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere, Lagos.

Akanni, known for his active role in football development and his consulting work with 1xBet, was warmly received by the Association’s secretary, retired referee Dele Atoun.

During the visit, Akanni expressed his admiration for the Association’s dedication to maintaining high standards of refereeing in Lagos.

To show his support, he donated an exclusive glass luxury door to enhance the aesthetics of the referees’ office. Akanni emphasized that the donation was a token of his appreciation for the referees’ often underappreciated role in the sport.

“This donation is my way of giving back to those who ensure fair play and uphold the integrity of football,” Akanni stated during the presentation.

“Referees are essential to the game, and they deserve our respect and support. I hope this luxury door adds a touch of elegance to their workspace and reflects how much they mean to the sport.”

Retired referee Dele Atoun, who received the donation on behalf of the Association, expressed gratitude for Akanni’s generous support. He highlighted Akanni’s longstanding commitment to football in Lagos and his continuous efforts to uplift various stakeholders in the game.

“Waidi Akanni has always been a strong advocate for football, both on the field and behind the scenes,” Atoun remarked. “We are deeply thankful for this beautiful donation, which will undoubtedly improve our office environment and serve as a reminder of Akanni’s dedication to the sport. His role as a sports consultant with 1xBet further showcases his passion for promoting football at every level.”

Akanni’s contribution reflects his enduring legacy in Nigerian football, not only as a former player and administrator but also as a consultant actively engaged in the sport’s growth.

His visit to the Teslim Balogun Stadium office underscores the importance of recognizing and supporting referees, the unsung heroes of the beautiful game.


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