HAVE YOU EVER heard a weatherman give this weather report? “Friends, we need some rain. We are nine inches short of the average rainfall so far this year. Consequently, crops are failing and trees are dying because of this shortage.”

Do you realize the same thing can be happening to you because you are “water deficient”? What is the result of not drinking enough water? You won’t have sufficient fluid in your tissues, and you may become chronically dehydrated.

Once, when I was explaining the need for water to a patient, he said, “I don’t think I have a problem. I would have a dry mouth if this were the case. ”

I explained to him that a dry mouth is one of the last signs of dehydration. As a resident of Florida, I’ve lived through several periods pf water rationing. When we don’t receive adequate amount of rainfall, the government takes action. For example, washing your car is prohibited, and you can’t water your lawn during the day – only in the evening and sometimes not at all.

That’s what our body does when we become chronically dehydrated: It begins to ration our water If the warning signals are ignored and we don’t give our bodies the liquids they need, serious problems begin to surface. To be specific, we can begin to develop rectal disease – irritable bowel, diverticulosis, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

Lack of this element also contributes to varicose veins, heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, allergies, hiatal hernias, ulcers, arthritis, back and neck pain, headaches, memory loss, high cholesterol and even kidney stones…By: Dr. Don. Colbert TIME TO HYDREATE WITH BODY MECHANIK FITNESS FOR LIFE +2348020950910