People who don’t exercise slowly decay from the inside out. Do you know what happens to a car that is parked in the driveway and ever driven? The paint begins to fade, the engine locks up and the body begins to rust.
Here are seven inactivity dangers:
1. Depression and sluggishness
2. Bowels that become constipated
3. Soft and flabby muscles
4. Compromised digestion resulting in heartburn and indigestion
5. Poor memory retention and slowed reaction time.
6 Decreased lung capacity.
7. Increased heart rate, which may lead eventually to
A good low-intensity exercise regimen is a maintenance program that will keep your body under warranty. It’s how you can help to ensure that every working part functions properly – your heart, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels and much more.
Listen to your body – it will clearly speak to you. Don’t ignore the message. Make a concerted effort today to renew your lease on life through daily exercise. Don’t fall into the seductive trap of a sedentary life..