The Ministry of Budget and National Planning has nominated Nkechi Obi (consultant to the Nationwide League One (NLO) as the Deputy Cordinator under the category of Youth and Sport Development for Nigeria agenda.
The event conveyed through the use of zoom digital technology Prince Clem Ikanade Agba, the honourable Minister of State For Budget and National planning gave the opening speech as outlined the following:
I. (Human Capital & Natural Resources) Technical Working Groups [TWGs] for the development of MTNDP 2021 – 2025, MTNDP 2026-2030 and the Nigeria Agenda 2050. As you may be aware, these initiatives are designed to succeed the current Nigeria Vision 20:2020 and the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan [ERGP 2017 – 2020] respectively. The plans are to address developmental challenges in all aspects of the country’s national life within the agreed time frame.
II. The Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning have agreed on the economic models to be used. Econometric and Input-Output Models will be used for the preparation of Macroeconomic framework for the two Medium-Term National Development Plan [MTNDP], 2021 – 2025 & 2026-2030, while Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium [CGE] and System Dynamic-based Integrated Sustainable Development Goals Simulation [iSDG] Models for Nigeria Agenda 2050 as this will be truly a national development plan led by the organized private sector and enabled by Government. The planning process will be inclusive and participatory with full involvement of the sub-nationals (State and Local Governments), the major political parties, the National Assembly, Youth and Women organizations, physically challenged, and other relevant stakeholders.
The team is expected to among others: Review existing plans, policies, programmes and projects in your thematic area; Conduct SWOT Analysis of your thematic area/sectors; Review the assumptions, parameters and forecasts used in the previous sectorial plans and align with current realities; Consult relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies in your thematic area for the relevant data; Oversee public consultations where feasible and facilitate discussions to assess and review memoranda received from the public; Provide accurate, evidence-based information, programmatic implications and make recommendations on key areas; Review existing research reports and share findings/reports; Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches for policy topics being explored; Address any other critical issue(s) to facilitate the delivery of the task; Produce and submit final report of thematic area for the first MTNDP 2021 – 2025 report to the Central Working Group, not later than September 31, 2020 and the second MTNDP 2026 – 2030 in February 2021; while your final report for the Nigeria Agenda 2050 should be in July 2021.
While looking forward to receiving a robust and implementable plan, he formally inaugurated the various TWGs on the Development of Nigeria Agenda 2050 and Medium Term National Development Plan [MTNDP 2021 – 2025] & 2026 – 2030 respectively.