Home Nigeria Players Abroad Moses Simon Emphasizes Team Unity After Losing Nantes Captaincy to Castelletto

Moses Simon Emphasizes Team Unity After Losing Nantes Captaincy to Castelletto

Moses Simon, a Nigerian professional footballer, has been a key player for FC Nantes in France. He has garnered attention for his talent on the pitch.

However, a recent decision by the coach to appoint Cameroonian player Jean-Charles Castelletto as the new captain has sparked discussions about leadership roles within the team.

When asked about his feelings on not being named captain, Simon remained composed, emphasizing the importance of team unity over individual accolades.

“We are a team,” he said as per Nantes media. “It is the coach who decides. He knows why he is giving it today to JC (Jean-Charles Castelletto), who is a team leader, an international player.

“Even Pallois, Lafont, Chirivella… when you are captain of the team, you don’t do everything. We are here to play, not to be captain. There is no difference between us and JC.”

His leadership qualities did not go unnoticed, as he was elevated to the “council of wise men,” a group of senior players tasked with guiding the younger and newer members of the squad.

This role allows Simon to continue influencing the team, even without the captain’s armband.

Reflecting on his journey back to fitness after a serious injury that marred the end of last season, Simon expressed his relief at returning to the pitch.

“I feel good now. The end of the season was difficult for me, mentally too. I’m not 100% but I’m okay,” he said.

Simon also spoke about his relationship with FC Nantes manager Antoine Kombouaré, describing it as akin to that of “father and son.” He praised Kombouaré for his supportive nature, particularly during tough times.

“When you have difficulties, he comes to talk with you. If you have a problem in your family, he is there to help you,” Simon noted.

Despite being one of the club’s most prominent attackers, the Nigeria international insists that Nantes’ success is a collective effort.

“The important thing is not Simon. It’s the team. If we win or lose, it’s not Simon. It’s the team. We’re here for the good of the team. We’re together,” he reiterated.

Lastly, he reflected on what leadership means to him, noting that it goes beyond just wearing the armband.

Simon remarked on the importance of communication, support, and teamwork in achieving collective goals. 

Overall, Moses Simon demonstrated professionalism and a team-oriented mindset in his comments about losing the captaincy at Nantes.

The focus was on unity and striving for success together as a club.


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