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Mojeed Adejide, President of All Stars International FC Lagos Lauds Elder Akpala on His 70th Birthday

Mojeed Adejide, President of All Stars International FC Lagos, celebrated the 70th birthday of Tulay Emmanuel Azuka, popularly known as Elder Akpala, praising his remarkable energy and dedication to football.

President of All Stars International FC Lagos, a man who holds numerous titles, including a former board member of the Lagos State Football Association and a current member of the NFF Protocol and Ceremonial Committee, in an exclusive interview with Sports 247, reflected on Akpala’s impressive fitness and commitment to the sport.

Read Also: Life is For Living – Elder Akpala Celebrates 70th Birthday, Reflects on Lifelong Passion for Football

For Mojeed, Elder Akpala’s milestone was not just another birthday but a testament to a life well-lived and full of vigour.

“Attaining the age of 70 is something that a lot of people pray to do because a lot of people that they grew up together never got to see today,” Mojeed reflected.

Elder Akpala’s energy and zest for life were recurring themes in Mojeed’s recounting of their time together.

Despite his age, Akpala played football with the enthusiasm and agility of someone much younger.

“Even at 70, he has the energy of a 55-year-old. We used to question his age, but today, we’re here to verify and confirm that he’s 70 years old,” Mojeed said, marvelling at the elder’s remarkable stamina.

Mojeed emphasized the importance of Elder Akpala’s lifestyle as an inspiration for younger generations.

He encouraged them to emulate Akpala’s commitment to fitness, spirituality, and family. “Try to have some time with God, do exercises, eat well, and observe your normal daily routines. These are the things that keep him so energetic,” he advised.

Mojeed’s admiration for Akpala was evident as he spoke about the elder’s influence on the team and its younger members.

As the President of All Stars International FC Lagos, Mojeed also shared insights about the club’s legacy.

Under his leadership, the club has thrived, maintaining its status as a unique and enduring institution.

He proudly highlighted the contributions of notable members and the club’s impact on the community.

“All Stars International FC Lagos ” has existed for 40 years. Our BOT chairman is the former Minister of Works and Housing, Hon. Raji Fashola,” he noted, underscoring the prestigious nature of the club.

The celebration of Elder Akpala’s 70th birthday was more than just a festivity; it was a moment to reflect on the values of resilience, dedication, and the power of living life to the fullest.

For Mojeed Adejide and All Stars International FC members, Elder Akpala remains a beacon of inspiration and a living testament to the spirit of football and camaraderie.