Friday Ekpo Rates Current Players’ Discipline Low, Charges Coaches To Lead By Example

    Former Super Eagles’ dazzling midfielder, Friday Ekpo has rated Nigeria’s current array of players low on discipline, but charged coaches to lead by example.

    Speaking against the backdrop of complaints by ex-international winger, Finidi George about the poor attitude of players during his very short reign as Eagles’ coach, Ekpo lamented that all standards have dropped.

    However, while scolding young players and stars of the current generation for their laxity, Ekpo, who excelled with the Eagles’ bronze winning squad of Senegal ’92 Africa Cup of Nations, stressed that all coaches have key roles to play in correcting their wards.

    “They need to learn a lot, and we need to teach them things that will make them improve,” said Ekpo, who starred in Gabon and Greece during his playing days.

    “They all have to respect their coaches. Whether you played together as teammates or colleagues, once you are there as the coach, they must obey you, and you must instil your discipline.

    “My friendship with you is outside my job. Once you step unto the field, with me in charge as your coach, I must do my work.

    “If you don’t go according to my instructions in playing, then you are not fit for my team.”

    The former petit dazzler, who had a hot shot and was vastly mobile as a player, added details of the roles coaches should play in shaping the careers of youngsters.

    “We are here to tell them useful things, nurture them, play with them, show them what they need to do.

    “At the end of the day, we will find them very comfortable with us and make us proud while playing on the field.

    “They too should be ready to learn. Not working lackadaisically and then coming to tell me how to control the ball.

    “I am the one who is to teach them how to control. I should demonstrate for them and make them practise day in day out.

    “I can repeat it as many times as possible. Once you perfect it, you are good to go,” Expo posited.


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