Home Academy News Football Is Back: We Are Glad, Team360fc Awaits LSFA

Football Is Back: We Are Glad, Team360fc Awaits LSFA

The players and management of the Team360 Football club were in a happy mood over the announcement on resumption of a contact sport by the presidential task force (PTF) on Covid19.

The announcement which was made at the PTF weekly media briefing yesterday, that contact sport (football inclusive)can resume but with restrictions on mass gathering not above Fifty (50).

“The lifting of restrictions on outdoor activities including football is in line with earlier consultation with the Ministry of youth and sports Development and the NCDC, however, this is limited to the actual sport itself and not mass gathering “.

Speaking with the club website Captain Jacob Hungbo ” Am very glad football is back, we can go back to the pitch and do what we know how to do best and I can’t wait for all the tournaments to kickoff including the Surulere Regional League”

Mr. Hamza Said,” It’s a sign of relief and hope for us that contact sport can resume back, it shows that our government has the concern of all football stakeholders in mind and most importantly the future of the youth players”.

Team360fc will resume its training Officially upon directives of the Nigeria Football Federation through the Lagos State football association.

Source : Team360fcNews