Home Nigeria Football League Exclusive: NFF Gives Extra Time For Indebted Clubs To Settle Debts

Exclusive: NFF Gives Extra Time For Indebted Clubs To Settle Debts

The Nigeria Football Federation, NFF through the Players Status and Arbitration Committee has approved an extra three weeks, period of grace for indebted clubs to settle their debts and comply with the rulings of the committee, Sports247 reports.

We gathered exclusively, that the indebted clubs have been given till 27th of September 2024, to comply with the ruling of the Nigeria Football Federation Players Status and Arbitration Committee of May 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th/14th of June, 2024 or face full consequences of their action.

According to our source, who pleaded anonymity revealed that the indebted clubs are to write an undertaken to this effect, stating their commitment to paying all indebtedness to these creditors in letters addressed to the NFF and NPFL.

The letter which is an acceptance of the offer of the three weeks grace period must be submitted on or before the close work on 13th of September, 2024.

He confirmed that an official letter to all these has been deposited by the committee to the office of the Chief Operating Officer of NPFL, headed by Davidson Owumi.

” I can confirm to you that Davidson Owumi has been informed of the new development as only the club who wrote an undertaken stating their commitment to fulfilling their obligations to the indebted parties within the given window will be given that opportunity otherwise such indebted clubs will see the immediate consequences of their continued default” says our source.

Recall that the Nigeria Football Federation Players Status and Arbitration Committee in her ruling delivered on the May 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th/14th of June, 2024 in a contract dispute between clubs and players / coaches ordered indebted clubs to defray all indebtedness within 45 days of the ruling, otherwise clubs will not be allowed to sign new players or transfer old players until the clubs comply with the judgement.

Instead of the clubs to comply with the rulings they defaulted and went to sign new players, transfer old players, and also played the new signings in their week one matches in defiance to the NFF’s committee ruling and correspondence on the matter.


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