Home Nigeria Football League Edet Inyang Remains Positive After Buruj Football Academy’s Friendly Match Against Remo...

Edet Inyang Remains Positive After Buruj Football Academy’s Friendly Match Against Remo Stars

Edet Inyang, the goalkeeper of Buruj Football Academy, expressed his optimism and highlighted valuable lessons learned following their friendly match against Remo Stars Football Club.

Despite facing a professional side, Inyang and his teammates managed to hold their ground, especially in the first half of the game played at the Remo Stars Stadium.

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In a post-match interview with Sports 247, Inyang was asked if he enjoyed the match. He replied, “They are a professional side, so we learned from them in this match. I hope in our next game with them or with another club, we do well because we learned a lot from them.”

Reflecting on the first half of the game, where Buruj Football Academy displayed a solid defence, Inyang praised his team’s performance.

“The first half was okay. I was impressed with my defence and everybody in the field the way we played,” he noted.

This commendation shows his satisfaction with how the team managed to withstand pressure from the professional opponents, keeping the match competitive in the initial stages.

However, Inyang acknowledged that the team struggled with concentration in the second half, leading to distractions and a loss of focus.

“I think the second half lacked concentration and some distractions. We had some distractions, so that made us lose focus but the next game, it would not be a problem,” he explained.

When asked about the technical aspects the team needs to work on, Inyang pointed out communication as a critical factor.

“To me, like maybe our communication with each other. All I would say is we didn’t win because of a lack of concentration. I think in the next game we will try to communicate well and focus on the game till the end of the 90 minutes,” he concluded.

This focus on better communication and sustained concentration draws attention to the team’s strategy for future games.

Inyang’s positive attitude and constructive feedback show a forward-looking approach for Buruj Football Academy as they aim to improve and perform better in subsequent matches.

The lessons learned from playing against a professional side like Remo Stars will undoubtedly contribute to the team’s development and readiness for future challenges.