Home Basketball Col. Ahmedu Celebrates 1 Year Remembrance Of Late Dad …Organized Basketball, Football...

Col. Ahmedu Celebrates 1 Year Remembrance Of Late Dad …Organized Basketball, Football Clinics On Boxing Day

The Ogwule-Agatu was agog on Boxing Day, as renowned basketball administrator, Col (Rtd) Samuel Ahmedu celebrated 1-year remembrance of his late father RSM Ahmedu Ocholi, with several activities.

Highlights of the activities included memorial and thanksgiving church service and grand reception.

Importantly, the starry-eyed kids had life-changing opportunities to learn and play basketball and football.

Speaking at the event, Ahmedu remarked that his late father was a good father, friend, pathfinder, and disciplinarian who lived a fulfilled life.

” My late father charted a course of a good and successful life for us. He was a community leader, who was well-loved by everyone.

” Celebrating him this way, was one of the ways to immortalize him. And we hope to take his remembrance to new heights from next year,” Ahmedu, who is the founder and president of Warriors Basketball Academy enthused.