Home Nigeria Football League CAF Unveils Key Details For 2024/25 Interclub Competitions

CAF Unveils Key Details For 2024/25 Interclub Competitions

The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has announced crucial dates and format changes for the upcoming 2024/25 Interclub season, setting the stage for an exciting year of continental football.

The competition will feature the CAF Champions League and the CAF Confederation Cup.

Key Dates:

– Preliminary Round: Matches will take place from August 16-18, 2024.
– Group Stages: Scheduled from October to December 2024.
– Knockout Phase: This will run from March to May 2025, culminating in the finals.

Club Participation:

The top 12 ranked member associations are eligible to field two clubs each in both competitions. These countries are:
– Algeria, Angola, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, RD Congo, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, and Tanzania.

Player Registration Periods:

To ensure smooth competition, CAF has outlined specific registration windows:
– Preliminary Round: July 1 – July 20, 2024.
– Second Preliminary Round: July 21 – August 31, 2024.
– Group Stages: September 1 – September 30, 2024.
– Knockout Stage: January 1 – January 31, 2025, allowing up to seven additional players, including four replacements.

Format Changes:

A significant change in the competition format sees the end of the transition for teams eliminated in the second round of the CAF Champions League to the CAF Confederation Cup. This adjustment aims to enhance the competitiveness and integrity of both tournaments.

CAF’s comprehensive planning for the 2024/25 season ensures that African clubs are well-prepared for another thrilling year of top-tier football. For more information and updates, visit the official CAF website at [www.cafonline.com](http://www.cafonline.com).


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