BURUJ MANAGEMENT SET TO OFFER 13 SLOTS TO NEW ENTRANTS – As 10 Players Make The Cut Ahead Next Foreign Trip And Trials

The management of Buruj Sports Academy are looking forward to registering 13 more players to complete the list of 23 being proposed for their next trip abroad.

Following the team’s recent return from the United Kingdom where they featured in the English and Welsh Super Cup in Manchester and Cardiff respectively, the technical crew have been mandated to build a new side full of young and exciting talents who are hungry to play their way to stardom as preparations have commenced in earnest.

And having considered what is on ground in the build-up so far based on the performance of some of the boys in camp in the friendly games organised by the management, 13 players- (2 goalkeepers; 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and 3 strikers) are now being expected to show interest and register to be part of the international trip.

According to the CEO of the academy Dr. Salaudeen Waheed, new windows of opportunity are opening from some European countries as well as trials for any of the players who can distinguish themselves.

“We want to be guided by the experience and exposure we have had from previous outings and that is why we are trying to be meticulous in our screening process.”

“We are looking forward to register more players for the trip and that’s why we are extending our tentacles by giving more spaces out to new entrants. ”

“Aside from England, we are looking forward to visiting other European countries between the remaining part of this year and next year.”

“We already have 10 players who have passed the test by virtue of their performance in some of the friendly games we played. We hope to get 13 more players who have confidence in their ability and ready to maximise the benefits by coming forward to talk to us and register for the next outing,” he explained.