Home Life Style A CRY FOR HELP


HERE’S WHY AN adequate supply of water is critical. Every function of the body is related to the flow of blood that carries nutrients, hormones and other elements to the tissues. The nitrients first go to the vital organs: your brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs.

Follow this closely. The shortage of intake will cause loss of water volume in the cells, which effects the efficiency of delivering nutrients and excreting waste products. What is the result? We don’t have enough nutrients in the cells, and we have more waste collecting in those same cells.

Imagine that the symptoms occurring from chronic dehydration are expressed by the body’s crying out, “Help! I’m thirsty. I desperately need water!”

For most people, the symptoms are detected by their doctor. However, instead of treating the patient with water, the physician often writes out a prescription, and you (the patient) rush to your nearest pharmacy The medicine turns your “signal for help” off an temporarily delays your cry for water. Almost without noticing, you become trapped in a cycle that grows worse and worse.. ITS TIME TO HYDRATE BODY MECHANIK FITNESS FOR LIFE! +2348020950910