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How To Qualify For Boxing At Paris 2024. The Olympic Qualification System Explained

Boxing first featured at the Ancient Olympic Games in 688 BCE before debuting in the modern Olympics at St. Louis 1904.At Paris 2024, a total of 248 boxers will compete, including 124 women and 124 men. Find out everything you need to know about how to qualify for boxing at Paris 2024 below.

Boxing is one of the oldest sports on the Olympic programme, with its roots having been traced back to Ancient Egypt in around 3000 BC. Over two millennia later, the sport made its Olympic debut at the Ancient Olympic Games and has been a mainstay of the modern Olympic programme since the 1904 Games in St. Louis.Women’s boxing was added to the Olympic programme at London 2012 and Paris 2024 will see an equal number of men and women competing for gold.

Find out everything you need to know about the pathway to qualification below.