Home Life Style IS CAFFEINE BAD?


Too much coffee, cola, and tea are not substitutes for water, but recent studies also show that caffeine isn’t all bad for you.


It helps prevent Parkinson’s disease and cirrhosis of the liver, and it help with male fertility. It has also been shown to protect the brain, possibly from diseases like Alzheimer’s.

A Harved study showed that the risk for developing type 2 diabetes is lower among regular coffee drinkers. Coffee also is linked to lower rares of suicide, colon cancer, high blood pressure in women, and heart disease.

Coffee has more than one thousand antioxidants, which is more antioxidants than green tea. It is the top source of antioxidants in the American diet.

People who drink decaffeinated coffee also show reduced caffeinated coffee.

The key, as with anything, is moderation. One or two cups a day won’t hurt you, and research shows that it will probably help you. But three or four cups may be too much. You can drink iced tea all day and still be mildly dehydrated, because the caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it takes ( or removes) water from the body.

Some individuals with arrhythmias of the heart, fibrocystic breast disease, and migraine headaches should probably avoid caffeinated beverages altogether.

If you don’t like coffee – and even if you do – you should drink organic green tea. It has been a favorite in japen for over a thousand years. Its antioxidant activity is two hundred times more potent than that of vitamin E and five hundred times more potent than vitamin C. This decrease the risk of cancer.