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Media registration for the FIFA Congress video press conference on 18 September 2020 is now open

FIFA is pleased to announce that the application process for media to register to participate in the upcoming video press conference following the 70th FIFA Congress on 18 September 2020 is now open via the FIFA Media Channel (http://media.fifa.com).

The deadline for media to submit registration is 10 September 2020.

The FIFA Congress will meet via videoconference with the FIFA management present at the Home of FIFA in Zurich. The agenda is available on FIFA.com.

All registrations are subject to a review process by FIFA, and successful applicants will be notified by e-mail. Only approved media will be able to participate virtually in the question and answer session during the post FIFA Congress online press conference.

The FIFA Congress and press conference will be streamed live on FIFA.com
Information for TV and radio broadcasters
Interested broadcasters should contact BroadcasterServicing@fifa.org for information and to receive the specific TV and radio registration link.

FIFA Media Channel
Media representatives who wish to apply for accreditation for a FIFA competition or event are required to have an individual FIFA Media Channel account. Media representatives that do not have a Media Channel account are invited to register at http://media.FIFA.com/registration. This password-protected online service is designed to provide media professionals with details on activities and logistical information relating to FIFA events as well as any special media announcements. Approval to access the FIFA Media Channel does not mean that you have been granted accreditation. The media accreditation process for any FIFA competition or event requires the completion of an event-specific accreditation form via the FIFA Media Channel.

Important: following Swiss government health recommendation on COVID-19, no on-site media activities will take place at the Home of FIFA.

For further information please contact the FIFA Media Department at media@fifa.org.