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RYLA CAMP 2024 UPDATE: Media Committee’s Huge Impact Highlights Many Benefits Of Rotary Club’s Youth Leadership Academy

A huge impact enacted by an ad-hoc media committee of students and undergraduates is a major highlight of district 9112’s maiden Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA), sports247.ng reports.

The week-long programme, which began last Saturday at Sea School, off Liverpool Quay in Apapa, Lagos, comes to an end on Sunday, ahead of which many of the attendees are already counting what they gained from being in the camp.

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On the spot checks by sports247.ng revealed that among the many gains and benefits bestowed on the first set of RYLArians groomed by Rotary Club’s district 9112 were practical roles and duties assigned to a set of youngsters in the on-camp media committee.

Although the core of the media committee was a trio of female students, their male coordinator happened to be the official master of ceremony for the district, whose vibrant performances on a daily basis served as a practical source of mentorship, motivation and inspiration for the young ones.

Aside from the highly articulate MC, fondly called ‘Mandate,’ the district’s spokesman, Ramon Raheem also played a key role in showing the path to follow for the youngsters, now seen as intending journalists, and putting them through the rudiments of media duties.

They were always seen with notebook and pen in hand, sitting apart from the main gathering of RYLArians under the huge auditorium canopy, paying rapt attention and eagerly jotting points about each part of the camp’s activities.

Information gathered by the starry-eyed media hands included highlights of speeches by guests, minutes of seminars conducted by facilitators, summary of responses by fellow attendees, compilation of the camp’s regular schedules, notice of itinerary and writing daily reports every night.

Items seen by sports247.ng on the camp’s daily timetable included wake up at 5am, personal devotion, physical conditioning, breakfast, talkshop, bonding, sports activities, cultural displays, variety night, fashion display, debate competition and poetry recitation.

The activities, which were spread across seven days on the island that houses the camp, officially known as Lagos State Leadership Training Centre, will terminate at 3pm on Sunday, after which everyone will board two specially hired ferries to cross the sea in 10 minutes, as they head back to their respective homes.

Before then, though, members of the media committee will still have a final role to play, as high-ranking officials of Rotary Club, led by district 9112 governor, Rotarian Olufemi Clement Adenekan, will troop in for the closing ceremony, starting at 11am, to dole out citations, awards and certificates.

It would be time for a final busy spell of taking notes by members of the media committee, but one of the enthusiastic lasses, Mirabel Olupitan, said they are up to the task.

“We have been busy working as journalists since we entered this camp last weekend, and we are ready for the closing ceremony on Sunday,” said Miss Olupitan.

The highly excited and exuberant Mirabel, who happens to be a former student of Will-B Excellence Secondary School, Ikotun, Lagos, added that she and her colleagues in the media committee will summarise all the camp activities into a single file and hand it over to their coordinator before leaving the island.

That surely would be a huge reference point for the future and proof of a job well done by RYLA 2024 chair cum assistant governor, Rotarian Olutusin Ademola and his colleagues in the organising committee, as they take stock of various gains from the district’s maiden youth camp.